Use of recycled plastic as one of the factors to increase sustainability
Use of recycled plastic as one of the factors to increase sustainability
We always try to remain one step ahead in ensuring sustainable operations. Therefore, the use of recycled plastic is not new to us, as we have implemented these processes almost from the beginning of our operations.
Use of renewable natural resources Bio-based raw materials
Use of renewable natural resources Bio-based raw materials
We started to show an interest in the possibility of sustainable production back in 2015. One of the first renewable natural sources we used in our products was a biopolymer made from sugar cane, and later we employed Sabic Bio-Based raw materials.
Exhaust air is cleaned from up to by 99.9% of volatile organic particles
Exhaust air is cleaned from up to by 99.9% of volatile organic particles
The company has implemented a project partly financed by the EU under the “Eco-Innovation LT +”measure, amounting to about EUR 1 million in value. During the project, an incinerator was installed for the combustion of volatile organic materials. With this project, all of our exhaust air is cleaned of up to 99.9% of any volatile particles.
Sustainability report of 2023
We are living up to our commitments to society and contributing to reducing pollution. We have been making progress towards becoming a more sustainable polyethylene packaging and film company for quite time.
Read the report here
Open PDF

Environmental monitoring reports Data from non-permanent measurements of monitoring of technological processes of economic operators and monitoring of emissions and/or discharges from pollution sources.