Exhaust air is cleaned from up to by 99.9% of volatile organic particles
The company has implemented a project partly financed by the EU under the Eco-innovation LT+ instrument, worth around EUR 1 million. The project involved the installation of an incinerator for volatile organic substances. The project has resulted in 99.9% of all air emissions from the production process being cleaned of any volatile organic particles.
The company implemented the project in conjunction with other production improvements. The combustion of volatile organic compounds generates a large amount of waste heat, which is converted into cold by a special convective cooler. Meanwhile, in the production process, the company uses a lot of cold water, which is necessary to cool the equipment. So by extracting the cold from the heat, we save electricity. The main objective of the whole joint project is not only to burn volatile organic materials safely, but also to save electricity and reduce the warming effect on the atmosphere.